Universal power unit for lab

    This is a small power unit on a test bench.
   This is very convenient and comfortable instead of battery. 
   This accelerates the test.

     Input  AC 100V

            (1) 5V  1A       : use for digital circuits
            (2) +-15V 0.2A   : use for analog circuits operation amp etc.
            (3) +-3 to 18V   : use universally instead of battery
            (4) charger of NiCd battery
                             : MAX 8 batteries serially connected
                               (SUM-3 or SUM-2 type battery)

                ----- 8V  +------     +-------
               | TR  |----|Diode |----| Reg   | 5V 1A
                -----     +------     +-------
                ----- 18V +------     +-------
               | TR  |----|Diode |-+--| Regx2 | +-15V 0.2A
                ----- 18V +------  |  +-------
                                   |  +-------
                                   +--| Regx2 | +-3 to
                                   |  |  SW   |   +-18V 0.2A
                                   |  +-------
                                   |  +-------
                                   +--| Cont  | NiCd BAT

 3.Circuit Schema and PCB ArtWork
   The Circuit and ArtWork are edited with CAD HiWIRE II, then download
   and braws by HiWIRE II.

     Circuit and Artwork(Brows by HiWIRE)

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