PLL controller for frequency generator

    This unit controls the PLL VFO for the high frequency generator(HFGEN).
   This HFGEN generates 2MHz to 60MHz sinewave. This unit controls switches
   and PLL IC and switches several VFOs.

     - Use onechip microcomputer PIC16C84, so the circuit is very simple.
        (See the "DEVICE page" about the detail of PIC16C84)
     - Count up/down four digit BCD data in order to input of rotary encoder
     - Output the four digit BCD data to PLL control IC (MC145163) through
       serial to parallel and latch IC
     - Output three port for the switch three VFO in order to the frequency
       that set in program.
 3.Circuit Diagram

        ---------    ----------         
     |ROTARY   |  |          |
     | ENCODER |--| PIC16C84 |        ------------------------------
      ---------   | SW,PLL   |       | 74HC595 x2                   |
      ---------   | Control  |------>|  SERIAL INPUT 16BIT LATCH    |
     | SWITCH  |--|          |        ------------------------------
      ---------    ----------             | BCDx4  |    |    |
                        |||SW           ------------------------------
                        |||            | PLL CONTOROL (MC145163)      |
                      ----------       |                              |
                     | VFO UNIT |       ------------------------------
                     |  x Max3  |

 4.Circuit Schema and PCB ArtWork
   The Circuit and ArtWork are edited with CAD HiWIRE II, then download
   and braws by HiWIRE II.

      Circuit and Artwork(Brows by HiWIRE)

 5.Program Source List
   The format of this program is suited to MPASM that is standard assembler
   of PIC series one chip microcomputer.
     Program list(Compressed by LHA)

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