Remote controlled car

Photo includes a car and a remote controller.

   I made this for my children's toy. It is controlled by infrared remote
  controller. That controller is originally used for TV remote controller.

 2.Block Diagram
   The car is configured with infrared receiver, receiver LSI,motor
  controller and 2 small DC motors.  Four NiCd batteries supply about 5V
  to every things during one hour more.

        -----------@   |       ---------    --------------- 
       |Remote     |  ----->   |Infrared |  | Receiver LSI  |
       |Controller |    |      |Rcv Unit |--|               |
        -----------     |       ---------    ---------------
                        |                          |
                        |                    ---------------
                        |     Car           | Motor         |
                        |                   |   Controller  |
                        |                    --------------- 
                        |                       |       |
                        |                    Motor1   Motor2

 3.Circuit Diagram
   The Circuit is edited with CAD HiWIRE II, then download and braws.

      Circuit(Download and brows by HiWIRE)
Circuit(Download and brows by HiWIRE)

This photo explains the construction of the car.

It includes two DC motors with gear boxes, a motor
controller and four UM2 NiCd batteries in lower box.
In upper half ball, it includes a receiver unit.

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