アセンブル指示命令(Directive Language)





1.Contorol Directives
2.Data Directives
3.Listing Directives
4.Macro Directives
5.Object File Directives



  角カッコ([]) :省略可能なオプション
  パイプ(|)   :いずれかの選択

Directive Description Syntax
BADRAM Specify invalid RAM locations __badram <expr>
BANKISEL Genrate RAM bank selecting code for indirect addressing bankisel <label>
BANKSEL Generate RAM bank Selecting code banksel <label>
CBLOCK Define a Block of Constants cblock [<expr>]
CODE Begins executable code section [<name>] code [<address>]
__CONFIG Specify configuration bits __config <expr>
CONSTANT Declare Symbol Constant constant <label>[=<expr>,...,<label>[=<expr>]]
DATA Create Numeric and Text Data [<label>] data <expr>,[,<expr>,...,<expr>]
[<label>] data "<text_string>"[,"<text_string>",...]
DB Declare Data of One Byte [<label>] db <expr>[,<expr>,...,<expr>]
[<label>] db "<text_string>"[,"<text_string>",...]
DE Define EEPROM Data [<label>] de <expr>[,<expr>,...,<expr>]
[<label>] de "<text_string>"[,"<text_string>",...]
#DEFlNE Define a Text Substitution Label define <name>[<value>]
define <name>[<arg>,...,<arg>]<value>
DT Define Table [<label>] dt <expr>[,<expr>,...,<expr>]
[<label>] dt "<text_string>"[,"<text_string>",...]
DW Declare Data of One Word [<label>] dw <expr>[,<expr>,...,<expr>]
[<label>] dw "<text_string>"[,"<text_string>",...]
ELSE Begin Alternative Assembly Block to lF else
END End Program Block end
ENDC End an Automatic Constant Block endc
ENDlF End conditional Assembly Block endif
ENDM End a Macro Definition endm
ENDW End a While Loop endw
EQU Define an Assembly Constant <label> equ <expr>
ERROR lssue an Error Message expr "<text_string>"
ERRORLEVEL Set Error Level errorlevel 0|1|2|<+|-><message number>
EXITM Exit from a Macro exitm
EXPAND Expand Macro Listing expand
EXTERN Declares an extenal label extern <label>[,<label>]
FlLL Fill Memory [<label>] fill <expr>,<count>
GLOBAL Export a defined label global <label>[,<label>]
IDATA Begins initialized data section [<name>] idata [<address>]
__IDLOCS Specify ID locations __idlocs <expr>
IF Begin Conditionally Assembled Code Block if <expr>
IFDEF Execute if Symbol has Been Defined ifdef <label>
IFNDEF Execute if Symbol has not Been Defined ifndef <label>
#INCLUDE include Additional Source File include <<include_file>>|"<include_file>"
LIST Listing Options list [<list_option>,...,<list_option>]
LOCAL Declare Local Macro Variable local <label>[,<label>]
MACRO Declare Macro Definition <label> macro [<arg>,...,<arg>]
__MAXRAM Specify maximum RAM address __maxram <expr>
MESSG Create User Defined Message messg <message_text>""
NOEXPAND Turn off Macro Expansion noexpand
NOLIST Turn off Listing Output nolist
ORG Set Program Orgin <label> org <expr>
PAGE lnsert Listing Page Eject page
PAGESEL Generate ROM page selecting code pagesel <label>
PROCESSOR Set Processor Type processor <processor_type>
RADIX Specify Default Radix radix <default_radix>
RES Reserve Memory [<label>] res <mem_units>
SET Define an Assembler Variable <label> set <expr>
SPACE lnsert Blank Listing Lines space <expr>
SUBTlTLE Specify Program Subtitle subtitle "<sub_text>"
TlTLE Specify Program Title title "<title_text>"
UDATA Begins uninitialized data section [<name>] udata [<address>]
UDATA_OVR Begins 0verlayed uninitialized data section [<name>] udata_ovr [<address>]
UDATA_SHR Begins Shared uninitialized data Section [<name>] udata_shr [<address>]
#UNDEFlNE Delete a Substitution Label #undefine <label>
VARlABLE Declare Symbol Variable variable <label>[=<expr>,...,<label>[=<expr>]]
WHlLE Perform Loop While Condition is True while <expr>

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